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However, yea about phishing some more action might have to be accepted

However, yea about phishing some more action might have to be accepted

However, yea about phishing some more action might have to be accepted, these malicious groups are improving their ways to catch unsuspecting victims more and more nowadays. I've even seen some bad attempts to phishing being submitted on OSRS Gold this sub that lead to bogus forums and I am glad they've been eliminated before anyone fell victim.

The actual problem with phishing posts may also be the spam that the sub will eventually receive, phishing emails have been sent in a tide to various emails of potential players, let us say like 10 percent of these have a reddit account, they are going to want to warn everyone else of the effort and so there will be several articles looking exactly the same, all which may be oblivious it's been posted earlier. It can eventually find dull. Which then can lead others to dismiss a fictitious clueless player who's asking if it's true or not, that's the reason why I suggested an automatic response of some sort, at least a small warning to take caution or something like that. Additionally thanks for clarifying that the email to forward phishing emails has become over, I knew of the forum thread, but not that they stopped the email.

I'm not sure that sums up the planned message. My remark explains why these two changes haven't been made along with some info that is related. The first being that Runescape is to get its RuneScape community as a whole (not just RS3), and the second being automatic filtering for this kind of post was attempted and found to not be possible to correctly accomplish. We are open to suggestions that would be possible to execute without detracting from the purpose of this subreddit and its community.

I mean, yeah your prior remark lays out just why the communities tips, in your opinion, are poor to the system you've got in place now. If anything the view represented by the OP are far more in line with this'vision' of the subreddit (needing to include the two RS3 and OSRS (which in itself is absurd being they've seperate content, dev teams etc. but thats like my view man)) by stating your articles has a home here but when its regarding anything in specificity to go elsewhere, similar to the way the Reddit FC is/was operate.

So instead of tuning ity'all yanked it? Tell me again how your staff thinks your system isn't fine in comparison with community suggestions. Let us have a thought experiment while I've got your time.

Instead of asking a neighborhood of 234,037 individuals and having a bot hit your inbox close immediately with:"If you believe you have received a phishing effort please verify sender address (example), domain (example), here are the usual examples (hyperlink ). If you have received an attempt please report it (helpful navigation for forum post."


However, yea about phishing some more action might have to be accepted, these malicious groups are improving their ways to catch unsuspecting victims more and more nowadays. I've even seen some bad attempts to phishing being submitted on this sub that lead to bogus forums and I am glad they've been eliminated before anyone fell victim.

The actual problem with phishing posts may also be the spam that the sub will eventually receive, phishing emails have been sent in a tide to various emails of potential players, let us say like 10 percent of these have a reddit account, they are going to want to warn everyone else of the effort and so there will be several articles looking exactly the same, all which may be oblivious it's been posted earlier. It can eventually find dull. Which then can lead others to dismiss a fictitious clueless player who's asking if it's true or not, that's the reason why I suggested an automatic response of some sort, at least a small warning to take caution or something like that. Additionally thanks for clarifying that the email to forward phishing emails has become over, I knew of the forum thread, but not that they stopped the email.

I'm not sure that sums up the planned message. My remark explains why these two changes haven't been made along with some info that is related. The first being that Runescape is to get its RuneScape community as a whole (not just RS3), and the second being automatic filtering for this kind of post was attempted and found to not be possible to correctly accomplish. We are open to suggestions that would be possible to execute without detracting from the purpose of this subreddit and its community.

I mean, yeah your prior remark lays out just why the communities tips, in your opinion, are poor to the system you've got in place now. If anything the view represented by the OP are far more in line with this'vision' of the subreddit (needing to include the two RS3 and OSRS (which in itself is absurd being they've seperate content, dev teams etc. but thats like my view man)) by stating your articles has a home here but when its regarding anything in specificity to go elsewhere, similar to the way the Reddit FC is/was operate.

So instead of tuning ity'all yanked it? Tell me again how your staff thinks your system isn't fine in comparison with community suggestions. Let us have a thought experiment while I've got your time.

Instead of asking a neighborhood of 234,037 individuals and having a bot hit your inbox close immediately with:"If you believe you have received a phishing effort please verify sender address (example), domain (example), here are the usual examples (hyperlink ). If you have received an attempt please report it (helpful navigation for forum post."
However, yea about phishing some more action might have to be accepted, these malicious groups are improving their ways to catch unsuspecting victims more and more nowadays. I've even seen some bad attempts to phishing being submitted on this sub that lead to bogus forums and I am glad they've been eliminated before anyone fell victim.

The actual problem with phishing posts may also be the spam that the sub will eventually receive, phishing emails have been sent in a tide to various emails of potential players, let us say like 10 percent of these have a reddit account, they are going to want to warn everyone else of the effort and so there will be several articles looking exactly the same, all which may be oblivious it's been posted earlier. It can eventually find dull. Which then can lead others to dismiss a fictitious clueless player who's asking if it's true or not, that's the reason why I suggested an automatic response of some sort, at least a small warning to take caution or something like that. Additionally thanks for clarifying that the email to forward phishing emails has become over, I knew of the forum thread, but not that they stopped the email.

I'm not sure that sums up the planned message. My remark explains why these two changes haven't been made along with some info that is related. The first being that Runescape is to get its RuneScape community as a whole (not just RS3), and the second being automatic filtering for this kind of post was attempted and found to not be possible to correctly accomplish. We are open to suggestions that would be possible to execute without detracting from the purpose of this subreddit and its community.

I mean, yeah your prior remark lays out just why the communities tips, in your opinion, are poor to the system you've got in place now. If anything the view represented by the OP are far more in line with this'vision' of the subreddit (needing to include the two RS3 and OSRS (which in itself is absurd being they've seperate content, dev teams etc. but thats like my view man)) by stating your articles has a home here but when its regarding anything in specificity to go elsewhere, similar to the way the Reddit FC is/was operate.

So instead of tuning ity'all yanked it? Tell me again how your staff thinks your system isn't fine in comparison with community suggestions. Let us have a thought experiment while I've got your time.

Instead of Buy RuneScape 2007 Gold asking a neighborhood of 234,037 individuals and having a bot hit your inbox close immediately with:"If you believe you have received a phishing effort please verify sender address (example), domain (example), here are the usual examples (hyperlink ). If you have received an attempt please report it (helpful navigation for forum post."


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